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Beefing up the Sound

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For this week my goal was to finish up the background of the music.

To do this I wanted to add one more guitar, an acoustic one strumming emphasis chords in the places where the choruses and breakdown will be. I was hoping by adding these it would beef it up a bit and add that little something to sonically differentiate it from the verses and links.

Beyond that, this week I sat down with my friend Aaron and we came up with a few ideas for the vocals that will be recorded on next week. We set up a premise for them that I like and I started to incorporate it in this week. For the parts in the chorus and the breakdown there are some background “Ooh”s  that were recorded on. They will make more sense when the full vocals are there, but like the new guitar, it is mostly part of the beefing up of the overall sound of the recording. In addition to these “Ooh”s, I sent some of the vocals through some autofilter effects to add some more dynamics to the breakdown. Watch for the comments in the soundcloud file below to help pick out with your ears what’s new.

DS106 Song – Week 4 by cliftongibbons

Well the recording is starting to sound pretty cool, it has been exciting to hear it all coming together over the weeks. Next week I’m planning on adding the main vocals and the electric lead guitar for the breakdown.

Here’s what the track looks like now:


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