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My Favforite

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so on my Tumblr I like to make gifs out of my favorite movies.

I really, really like Classical Hollywood Cinema 1910-1960 and Foreign films. I also really like the t.v. show Will and Grace. So, there’s some of that splashed in even though it has nothing to do with classical Hollywood/Foreign.

I think I’ve re-blogged only two other people’s gifs just because I like them a lot. I have a lot actually saved via Tumblr.

I think the thing about making gifs on tumblrs is that other people make gifs too, of the exact same part. So, I try really hard to avoid remaking things because some people get really upset about it. I try to search the film before make the gif. Of course, I don’t go through the whole search because sometimes like, rebel without cause, has a gazillion pages and other times I just don’t care I remake it anyways because the part of the movie is awesome.


So far I think my favorite gifs I’ve made are my Buster Keaton gifs. I’m actually kind of surprised that there are a lot of people out there who knows who he is and have seen his films. So, its always weird when people re-blog him!

Heres some:

And of course I love my Marlon Brando gifs. a lot of people like him too:

And this one ^ I actually made because people wanted one with him and a cheesecake…not sure why…but I attempted it and I think it turned out well. Sadly, I really don’t remember how I did it.

Below, are just some more I like…as you can see some of them are different sizes. This is because I’m trying to make them under 500k for tumblr. I think I’ve gotten a lot better about it (Making them all the same size)

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