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DS106 Advice

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Dear Future DS106er,

Take it from me, I’m not the person to take advice on this class from. Technologically challenged, I stumbled through this class like a drunken sailor.  If you decide to embark on this quest (and it is certainly a quest,) you must know a few key things:

1. Be prepared to devote alot of time to this class, way more than you’d expect.

2. You’re not going to understand anything at first, so don’t be afraid to annoy the hell out of Jim to figure things out.  Trust me he doesn’t mind.

3. Don’t be afraid to make an utter fool of yourself. If you take yourself too seriously, you won’t enjoy this semester.

If you follow these basic rules, you’re going to love this class.  Its a ton of work, but its also the first time I’ve genuinely had fun doing homework.  Making the choice to take this class is a big step, but it’s one you won’t regret.  And remember once you’re in, you’re in for life…

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