our stop motion video is now complete! overall it was a really fun project! i guess i should talk a little about our process. Pretty much all we did was try to think of a cool idea and then take a lot of pictures to put it in motion! i think we did a pretty good job for being amateurs, but it could have looked a lot better if we had a tripod to use and better lighting. Martha had asked earlier about how we did the flying scenes, and the answer to that is: we jumped everytime. For the longboarding, Chris just jumped over it every time rather than jump on it. Hopefully you guys like it! I know its pretty choppy and there isn’t really much of a story but we got ourselves in a little hole trying to figure out how to have an interaction between the two of us when we had to take turns snapping pictures. We meant to have the last two scenes be like “deleted scenes” since they didnt really fit in with everything else we did, but we forgot to add a slide to announce them so it just goes right into them which throws off the rest of the video.
ok here it is on youtube now!
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