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Somewhat Satirical picture captions

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This is the assignment: The Big Caption. I’ve added the first two, frankly the more appropriate ones, the other are fairly tactless. I have a tendency to make off-color jokes, which some of the images put me in the frame of mind of.

*: This is one particular visual assignment that could have gotten me in the most trouble. The sense that I am talking about is how the first thought that would pop into my head upon seeing the image would be crass/inappropriate. So I actually made a bunch of these captions for the different pictures that I got from the “The Big Picture.’ Many of the available images are of a serious nature, so some of my attempts at humor could definitely come off as crass or mean. In the end I stayed with these two images, the captions of which I felt changed the nature of the image completely, and left me satisfied.


The Big Caption 1
HotSpot Dog

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