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Sultry Dog Days…oh and Hot too

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All right, since I’m playing the emcee for this overall project, I’m doing to start throwing ideas to the wall hoping that a few of them will work. Let’s look at what we have set up already, how we might want to organize it in the program, and how to craft some dozen or so different results into one cohesive unit.

First: we decided to go with the “Dog Days of Summer” as the theme of the program. That is easy to state, and we all(hopefully) have ideas on what kind of content that will be provided. This isn’t a hard and fast theme, something that can be used to explore the concept of the theme.

Next is a bigger issue: Do we intend to structure it somewhat like the TAL episodes.exactly? Or for example do we want to turn it into something like a call-in program. For this I’m not thinking of integrating all the audio segments like: “and now we have Bill calling in from Fredericksburg, what would you like to share?” But more like a fictitious radio program that had requested regular listeners to send in their own materials. This sort of appeals to me in that it bleeds the concept of #ds106 into the radio medium directly. Taking control of the program away from a deejay and putting it into the hands of the listeners. This would allow me to be able to suggest at different parts of the program what ideas the show is exploring and who/when that is happening.

This leads me to the early appeal to everyone else: What are your program ideas, both for your own sections and how you see the whole program to move. Do you want to be referred to by your real name, or do you have a pseudonym that you would like to use? Issues that we’ll need to explore.

Thanks for listening…please provide your input!

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