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Joining the summer of oblivion

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Yep, I’ll be participating in the 5-week version of Jim Groom’s ds106 online digital storytelling course this summer. Which should be interesting because I leave for Nottingham, England, where I’m teaching a Digital Storytelling course with a study abroad program during the month of July, smack-dab in the middle of ds106. I’ll be participating via iPad2 since I’m not taking a laptop, though I’ll have access to computers on campus as well. That means whatever the class does with Audacity I’ll probably do with GarageBand, and my video work will be via iMovie. I’ll definitely look for opportunities for my students to join in the madness, though most of them will not have their own domain like Jim’s students will. The purpose of this post is really just to formally commit, and to exercise my blog’s new #ds106 category, which Jim can use to syndicate my posts into the mothership.

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