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Drudge Report

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Yeah, sorry it took me so long to post this, it isn’t as if I didn’t have it ready to go(mostly) in time. Ah well, I forget things sometimes.
So I grabbed the Drudge Report to use as my web assignment, just because I felt the desire to do a little mocking of his site. The fact that his site is all headlines/links was a little daunting at first, but I decided to dive in and create some ridiculous headlines. If I had more time with internet access I would have been looking at changing the links around, but the sheer number made this a daunting task. The one issue that I was not satisfied, ie I should have asked for help in how to do it, was changing the image source information. When I tried to figure this out on my own, I was unsuccessful.
But, enough said about this, except the bottom of the image needs to be trimmed, I took of the huge list of links, but not the lines.

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