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"You mean, you'll put down your rock and I'll put down my sword, and we'll try and kill each other like civilized people?"

There are so many scenes I love in The Princess Bride that it was tough to choose one to use for an animated GIF. This assignment made me realize I love most of the scenes for the lines. For example, there just wasn’t a scene for “Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya…” that I thought would work only visually with just the animation. I like how this turned out, though the file size is a little over 1MB and I had hoped to keep it under. If I do this again, I need to remember to adjust the still images a bit before beginning the animation part. I could have lightened it up and desaturated the sky before animating to keep the file size down.

My process followed Jim’s Animated GIF tutorial fairly closely. I used Handbrake to rip my Princess Bride DVD (chapter 8). Then I set in/out points and exported an image sequence using MPEG Streamclip as recommended. I ended up with 24 frames and only needed 21 of them to make the looping GIF, though I did double and reverse the frames to make the motion go back and forth properly. Since I own Photoshop, I used that instead of the GIMP to do the animation. I found an animated GIF tutorial resource for Photoshop if anyone needs it.

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