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A Personal Cyberinfrastructure

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Garderner Campell’s essay was interesting he put in some background of the cyber world and how higher education would workshop on HTML. He then moved on to talk about how higher education does not keep up with what is going on in the cyber world or at least correctly. He then gives his opinion of a possible solution to this issue.

I thought that his solution was reasonable I think students should be able to do that or be required to take a gen ed that has to do with mediums. Like for example taking digital story telling, a computer programming class, things of that nature.

one thing that I wonder though is if we keep moving in this direction towards using the cyber world more often are we going to lose some of things that were used before? Are we no longer going to use forms of communication, perhaps and is that good or bad? Can’t really say.

The video of “No Digital facelift,” goes along with the essay mentioning and discussing the term digital facelift, which when I first heard it I thought it was something good. No Excy you were wrong it can be good for some short amount of time, but in the end it falls apart and that’s that’s.

Michael Wesch’s lecture I thought was awesome. I enjoyed watching every minute of it, how he moved from his university setting,, to New Guinea, and then to the media. The commercials that he used were great, the way that companies are getting regular people to do their own job for is brilliant. It also sends out the message that anybody can say anything and it can be seen or heard by anybody. What hit me the most was the discussion about identity, when he spoke about his experience in New Guinea it made me realize that media is part of my identity whether I like it or not. It’s forms and continues bonds that people make with one another and form what people perceive to be their identities.

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