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whole lotta mess up in here

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Yeah, my site is a wreck. I’ve hoped to redesign it every summer since I launched but I’ve let other gigs get in the way. My theme isn’t even widget-aware. I had to manually edit the sidebar.php file to insert the call to the flickrRSS plugin. But I did that easily and got my photos to display. Then I rewrote a little of the theme’s CSS to spiff up how the photo thumbnails displayed.

While under the hood I removed the laurel from a 2007 “first annual” film festival that has never been repeated and nixed the badge. There is much more work to do, but I thank #ds106 for starting me on the road to recovery over here. I don’t want this site to to say I don’t care, but that’s what it’s been saying. I may not be able to get it the way I want it before I have to leave for a month in England, but I can at least get started.

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