_cpzh4: The assignment is to take a photo, a quote from a different character than the one in the picture, and a name from a third character different from the other two, place the quote in the picture, and “sign” it with the third person’s name. The three characters are to be from three different, but similar in genre, series. It’s known as “troll quoting”.
For an “official” definition, go here:
http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/troll-quotes, _cre1l: Visual, _d415a: http://s3.amazonaws.com/kym-assets/photos/images/original/000/127/137/TrollQuote.JPG?1306421985, _d5fpr: Darth Ba’al, _clrrx: 138, _cyevm: VisualAssignments138, _cztg3: VisualAssignments, _d180g: 695
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