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The Last of the Daily Shoots

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Thursday, June 30th
For Daily Shoot #592 we were asked, “What’s the first thing you think about when you see the word “Deadline?” and then told to “make a photograph of illustrating that thought.” My parents recently had a conversation with my younger sister regarding the various responsibilities of adulthood. They basically explained to her how even when you’re older, you’re still forced to follow certain restrictions, and even when you’re done with schooling, you still have to meet deadlines. One example they used was that adults have to have their bills paid by a certain date. This conversation occurred the same day the prompt was given, so paying bills was the first thing that came to mind when I saw the word “Deadline.”

Friday, July 1st
Daily Shoot #593′s prompt was “Make a photograph today that features the sky.”

Saturday, July 2nd
The prompt for Daily Shoot #594 was “Feature a plant in a photograph today. Domestic, wild, or anything in between is fair game.” I decided to photograph the Black Eyed Susans in the flower bed in my front yard.

Sunday, July 3rd
Daily Shoot #595′s prompt was “Play with contrasting scale today: juxtapose something small with something big!” My mom collects Polish pottery so we have pieces of all different varieties around the house. I choose to photograph the candle holders and cheese plate specifically because of their similarity in design: both pieces were painted the same pattern and designed to resemble people. These similarities make it easier to see the contrast in size between the pieces.

Monday, July 4th
Daily Shoot #596′s prompt was “Make a photo with a strong linear composition today.” I decided to photograph a portion of my guitar because I like the way the strings line up.

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