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Design Assignment: Greetings from London

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Greetings from DS106: Tell us where you are, where you’re from, or simply where you’d rather be and build a greeting card.

London Greeting CardSo, I created a postcard for this assignment and decided to make it from London, England since I’ve had a little crush on this city for a while–especially since I started watching the BBC’s fairly new TV series, Masterpiece Mystery! Sherlock.

I spent most of my time in Adobe Illustrator for this assignment. I used Photoshop to re-size the images.  I also went to ColourLovers to get a sense of the palette I might want to use.

To be honest, I’m really displeased with what I have here.  It doesn’t look authentic to me. But, every work I create isn’t going to be perfect or up to my standards, and life goes on. Alas!

Credit: Big Ben; (super sorry, can’t seem to locate the London Eye picture again);  London Bridge.

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