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Extraordinarily Controversial

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While recently there have been tons of people who just disagree with my ideas and think that I am being overly critical of things.  To these individuals I would like to say tough cookies.  I actually don’t care.  I have an opinion and I am very confrontational.  I listen and hear the points that some are trying to make.  They have to affect on my opinion.  You should look at this…..  The guy in the chair saying that he was going to stay up because someone was wrong on the internet.  This is all of those who decided that it would be a good idea to “correct the error in my ways in recent post.”  If you don’t like what I said don’t use my blog a resource.  If you don’t think I know what I’m talking about then don’t use my information.  Problem with the internet –>people being people.  That is how I feel.


Joe Fehrman

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