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Video Assignment Numero Dos

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Here is my second video assignment. This one took me WAY less time since I figured out how everything works. I decided to do the Video Essay. Since I started off this class with a .gif from Forgetting Sarah Marshall, I thought it was only fitting to do my last assignment using the same movie. I put the five most important scenes together in Windows Movie Maker and then added my own audio using Audacity. I found out after I’d already recorded that you can do that through Windows Movie Maker…. oh well.

For the most part I related the movie to real life. There’s a lot that goes on in this movie and it is definitely more than a romantic comedy. It really deals with what goes on in a relationship between different people. I talk more about this in my video and show some clips. Enjoy!

I ripped the scenes off of my Forgetting Sarah Marshall DVD and used myself and Audacity to create the commentary.

I don’t know why but when I put the URL in for my video the actual video doesn’t show up. Normally, I would try to figure this out, and I have, but it worked for my other one a couple of hours ago and my brain is exhausted. I will link to it here, it works on YouTube. I will try to fix it later tonight or tomorrow.

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