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Anticipating Change

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After feasting on the riches from PLENK 2010 for a whole year, Iā€™m looking forward to the upcoming Change MOOC.

This spring my College made official the tongue-in-cheek ā€œComputer Geekā€ award they gave me a year earlier. This one, titled ā€œInnovation and College Improvement Awardā€ is a classy-looking plaque in walnut and brushed aluminum. I got it mainly for doing stuff I learned in PLENK.Ā  Iā€™ve been amazed at how positively colleagues and administrators have responded to my pushing the boundaries of whatā€™s been tried in the north.

I owe a huge acknowledgement of indebtedness, not only to Stephen Downes, George Siemens, and Dave Cormier, but to all the people with whom Iā€™ve networked as a result of PLENK, especially Glen Gatin, Tony Radcliffe, Susan Grigor, Carol Yeager, Susan Oā€™Grady, and, in spite of my short-lived participation in ds106, Jim Groom, Cogdog, Noise Professor to name a few. (In ds106 I learned to make animated GIFs, obtained my own domain, installed WordPress with plugins, discovered The DailyShoot, and got on ds106 Radio, all in just one month.)

Then thereā€™s Nellie Deutsch and the participants in Moodle 4 Teachers , including Mal who promises to interact with my students this winter. I also sampled Mobi MOOC, but without cellular service in our area, chose to drop out ā€“ still, I learned what QR codes are and how to generate them ā€“ thereā€™ll be one on my next set of business cards.

None of this would likely have happened without PLENK.Ā  Now Iā€™m looking forward to a new round of connecting and learning with #change11. This time Iā€™m inviting some of my colleagues to join me in the adventure. Iā€™m hoping my previous experience will enable me to guide them through some of the more frustrating aspects of a new learning paradigm.

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