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What Was I Thinking?

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Somewhere in lurking through #CMC11 I stumbled across Gordon Lockhart’s CCK11 blog posting, Man! This MOOC is Something Else!  It’s the kind of delightfully tongue-in-cheek dialog I enjoy.   When I asked him via a comment, if he’d considered animating it with Xtranormal, he was kind enough to encourage me to go ahead with it.  Sure, just copy and paste the lines, I thought.  What was I thinking?

Xtranormal does a pretty fair job of animating characters to speak any dialog you can type.  But it also has a half-dozen controls you can creatively drag and drop into the text to tailor it more finely.  After looking at Gordon’s previous Xtranormal creation, I realized I had a hard act to follow. Xtranormal on automatic wasn’t going to do him justice.  So here’s the animated version of Gordon’s blog post, completed at 2:00 AM Monday morning at the point where my creativity and my perfectionism finally reached equilibrium.
Thank you Gordon.  It was fun.

Man! this Mooc is Something Else
by: upNorth

If your browser has trouble with the embedded viewer, you can watch it here, or on YouTube.

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