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Another Reality Program has just been sent to the Graveyard!

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So I decided that I’d blog about something different or personal I guess.

I was visiting a television ratings site where I saw a post about The CW Television Network cancelling their first program of this new fall season. A reality program entitled “H8R” was the 3rd new series this fall to be cancelled followed by NBC’s controversial 1960′s drama “The Playboy Club” and new comedy, “Free Agents”.

I’ll admit that I don’t watch a lot of television due to one reason, “REALITY TELEVISION!”

Now I don’t mean to offend anyone as there are a few reality programs that are beneficial, encouraging, and/or entertaining(Yeah I’m talking to you Survivor and Wipeout, don’t think I forgot about you Biggest Loser). But it’s come to a point where Network Television seems to be producing the same thing only with a different title.

Last year ABC tried a supposed spin-off of their hit reality show “Dancing with the Stars” entitled “Skating with the Stars”; verdict(cancelled after 6 episodes). Can’t say I didn’t see that coming.

The CW has desperately tried to find a reality show to be paired with their veteran reality hit “America’s Next Top Model”  with shows such as Shedding for The Wedding(Yes I’m serious, a rip-off of NBC’s Biggest Loser), Plain Jain(cancelled after 8 episodes), Fly Girls(cancelled after 7 episodes) and now the most recent H8R(which made TV reality history for being cancelled after 4 episodes).

I could talk about Bravos 6 versions of The Real Housewives but that would just make me go crazy.

FOX is now trying to attract new viewers with the highly anticipated U.S version of The X Factor starring none other than American Idol vets Simon Cowell and Paula Abdul. Turns out FOX kept their hopes a bit too high because The X Factor is no ratings winner and it’s definitely no American Idol(I hate this show as well). Guess I;ll be seeing Simon on A.I this January.

I hope I didn’t bore anyone with my little blog on my opinion on reality television. I saw the cancellation of H8R today and I just had to say how much I hate reality tv and hope they can end one day. But for now, it looks like they’re a keeper simply because they make $$$$$ for the networks which in the end is all what they’re looking for

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