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This is for digital storytelling.
Assignment name is Song Story.

Now I will share my memory in America.
I was an exchange student from Japan, and stayed in America for one year.
It was not always happy things for me. In fact, some of my experiences are still my trauma.
I got many problems, I learned many things, and I changed a lot.

This song makes me remember all of the memory.

I was in Utah state, and I met many people.
Everyone thought me a lot of things, and I learned what is real communication.
My host-family, friends, and x-boyfriend were such a awesome people, and I still appreciate for them. I still do not know how many times do I need to appreciate for them.
They thought me everything about how to communicate with people, what is family, what is friends, and what is love.
Until I moved to Utah, I hate being human and I hate everything.
Now, I love everything. I appreciate everything.

Utah is such a nice place. Utah is very beautiful, people are all nice, and there are my host-family.
I put some pictures of Utah and my awesome family and friends!!
Please listen to Photograph/Nickelback with pictures!!



My host grand parents

My host dad and Little brother

 My host mom

 My friends Jackson and Logan

My friends Zack, Jade, Kevin

My friend Accasia

Best friend EVER Jade

Have you ever read lyric of this song?
This is full lyric of this song: Lyrics
I love this part
“I miss that town
I miss their faces
You can’t erase
You can’t replace it

I miss it now
I can’t believe it
So hard to stay
Too hard to leave
Look at this photograph
Every time I do it makes me laugh
Every time I do it makes me”

It has been almost three years that I left there.
However, whenever I hear this song, I can remember all my memory like yesterday.
some of them might already forget about me,but I remember them.
You guys made Miki Ozawa.

Thank you so much.
I love you <3

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