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Lost in translation

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This is my second pre-assignment. I appreciate the feedback so far on my Toulouse-Lautrec post. I re-worked it last night so please take another look if you have a moment. I published the 2012/3/366 A Tweet From Egypt yesterday to the 2012/366 photos group on flickr. I’m a first time member to this group. I will strive to contribute every day this year. Please feel free to check out some of the other images on my flickr site.

I’m not sure how to work the Tweet from Egypt into an assignment just yet… I like the idea of using maps to tell a stories. Any thoughts?

Below is another image that captures a similar notion of being lost in translation. It was taken with a Motorola Droid 2 and uploaded via Verizon wireless. I’m not sure what happened to it. As you can see, half the image is missing! In fact, many of the packets were lost during transmission to the cell tower. So, I’m thinking of calling it:  Lost in 3G.  A bit more information… it was taken two months ago at a festive dinner to celebrate the departure of a very good friend of mine. He moved back to El Salvador. By the way, that’s me on the right.

I appreciate your thoughts in helping me think about these images in terms of capturing something great when in fact something important may be getting lost in the shuffle. The flip side of this is to consider how something might be gained along the way. It could even be a blessing in disguise.

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