I saw how much fun Professor Lockman had with his gifs so it inspired me to cook something up as well. I love Nicki Minaj, so I took a few stills from her newest video on YouTube (Stupid Hoe, the blog title is lyrics from the song) and combined them in GIMP. I’ve done animated gifs before, but had never used GIMP in this capacity. Found out that it was stunningly easy if you want to put all the layers at the same delay, so it worked perfectly for me. The most time consuming part was actually making a gif I liked. The first one was too dull, then I added in a layer with her “crazy eye” look, but that scene didn’t match up with the rest, so in the third (and final) version I moved that layer over so that it fit pretty well and her head didn’t “jump” during the animation.
Maybe tomorrow I’ll poke around the DS106 assignments and see if there’s one that fits what I did :p
– Paul
ps- I’m totally open to discussing whether or not the song is a huge step back for women’s rights. Not completely endorsing it by any means, but I do find it embarrassingly catchy. She’s an interesting artist to be sure.
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