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Bagman and Robyn! Fighting crime! Also: cars move forward!

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TDC 22: Big and small versions of the same thing.

You can’t totally tell from the picture, but that IS a smaller bag, on the right. What people use those smaller, cuter brown bags for, well, who knows. But I had one, and I made a sidekick for Bagman.

The costumes were made with construction paper and scotch tape. Nothing fancy.

I flipped the picture because it looks WAY more dramatic this way, but after I uploaded it, I noticed that the R was backwards. Whoopsydaisy.



Video: “Bagman and Robyn: Crime Fighters”

So this was a BLAST to make. Didn’t get the idea until the day after, but it was tons tons of fun making this with my wife. It was also fun taking something from a Daily Create and giving it life.

Also making jokes up is SO MUCH MORE FUN with someone else. Bags of fun.



TDC 23: An object in motion

I took these shots around Ann Arbor–I noticed that when I tried taking pictures of movie cars, only the fronts got into the shot, so I just went with that and kept snapping shots.

Back at home I opened up Gimp, laid down a black background and shrank the shots to fit. Laid up next to each other I think they give more of a sense of movement than they do on their own (I flipped one of the shots; the one on the right, I think).

Just a quick final note that I feel really good about how I’ve been creating stuff. I’ve learned a ton, Gimp-wise, and I’ve also learned a bunch on Windows Live MovieMaker. I’ve also drafted my partner and a couple of friends to make stuff too, and everybody is getting excited!

I’m gonna up my game, comments-wise, this week. That’s the goal. More soon kids.

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