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Space of the Cyber

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no real reason for this vid…just thought it went along with the post…

Cyberspace has connected so many throughout the world. With advances in technology and the mass production of its tools this will only become easier. During Gardner Campbell’s talk I realized just how new this is.  From day one it seemed as though Campbell was consistenly pushing the envelope with his students, giving them reason to explore the internet and form their own identitys through it.  This allowed students to take that next step in sharing bits and pieces of them with the rest of the world.  Now their creations and ideas were leaking into cyberspace through blogs, forums, uploads, and comments. This revolution is transforming society as we know it.  Twitter and Facebook are essential for ultimate publications of businesses and organizations.  I am really glad I get the opportunity to explore this burgeoning world and develop my own personal cyber-intfrastructure.

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