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What is Web 2.0?

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Web 2.0 in it’s most basic terms is interactive media.  Web 2.0 allows us to interact with the internet because instead of just receiving information we are now able to give information as well.  In O’Reilly’s article he was commenting on blogging in the world of web 2.0.  He compared it to a diary.  The other article by Alexander also compared blogging to a diary.  It made me think- do I have a public diary going on?  Alexander says that diaries and blogs ahve an “obvious connection since both forms consist of content chunks arranged in linear chronological order” (48).  He also says that there is a “social intimacy” when it comes to blogging.  I never considered blogging in these terms of a diary.  However, I think they are being narrow minded when saying that blogs are diaries because not all of them are.  There are blogs that give you information about traveling and others about how to exercise.  Yes, some people spill their hearts out via web, but I don’t.  Yes, I can get somewhat intimate with my audience at times but I don’t think that any of my readers could say that they know everything about me and my day.  I am not going onto my computer and blogging about every thing that happened to me everyday.  I give quotes, I give inspiration, I give advice, and sometimes I may share something I have written.  That to me is intimate but with out getting too personal.


I like when Alexander talks about twitter as “live stories”.  I never thought of it like that.  When you go onto twitter you could follow your favorite celebrities or your friends and people tweet throughout the day.  I can read my tweet and know that Kim Kardashian is at the gym or that Lea Michele is filming for Glee.  It is really cool actually and it lets you feel as if you know your favorite celebrities.  I guess if you did follow me on twitter you would be able to see more of a live story of my day considering I tweet a lot more than  blog.


For whatever reason, I can not get this to show on my blog but this is the link to my Twitter Story for my class.  It’s silly but here ya go:

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