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Splash The Color

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I am so extremely excited to have my new macbook! I can do so much with it to help me with the assignments I have in my English 307 class.  I’ve just finished creating my first visual assignment which was to “emphasize details- you remove all color from a photo, and then restore original color to a single object, e.g. a green apple on a table. Think of the Girl in the red dress from Schindler’s List” (  I was excited to do this assignment because I just received tulips for my birthday.  I decided to photograph the tulips and then edit it so that only the bulbs were in color.

The way I did it was quite simple.  I created a free account on photoshop and uploaded the original picture of the tulips.  I then clicked edit and scrolled down on the left side to “Pop Color.”  That’s where I picked which color I wanted to pop while everything else was changed into black and white.  Easy as pie!

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