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Last, but FAR from least. This one took the most effort and concentration, especially because I’ve never really had that “eye” that accomplished photographers have. All of these photos were taken around good ol’ Fredericksburg. I’ve lived here in the same house since I was six years old, so you could say it’s familiar to me. What’s odd about looking at these photos is realizing how desolate and creepy Fredericksburg can look if you catch it from the right angle, because clearly it’s far from unpopulated. It was pretty fun walking around downtown for the first time in a while and looking for areas that I would never usually spend my time in. I have always and will always love Fredericksburg, so this one hit pretty close to home!

Ever since I went out the other day and took all of these pictures, I’ve noticed that I’ve thought to myself multiple times, “Oh, that would make a great picture.” I don’t always have my camera on me, but I’m definitely going to start. Who knows, maybe I’ll invest in an actual camera instead of the little crappy digital one I have. I took more advice from “How to be a Better Photographer” and tried to look for the odd angle; the angle that I normally wouldn’t see. It definitely helped with this assignment, so that technique I would definitely recommend trying. I also chose to put the photos in black and white because I think it gives them more of an eerie, old-timey feeling.

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