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How to create the minimalist travel poster for Beauty and the Beast Tutorial!

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How to create the minimalist travel poster for Beauty and the Beast:

1. First Google an image of the castle you want to you and save it to your computer. I choose this one…

2. Open up Photoshop

3. Open the saved image of the castle in Photoshop.

4. Once opened click on channels which is shown in the picture below and click red.
(make sure red is the only one highlighted)

5. Use the Pen Tool to outline the castle, to make it a little easier, I just cut out the trees.

6. Once you connect the last points, right click and select make selection.

7. Click “OK” when the make selection box opens up, see below. I did not change anything in the box.

8. Then on the tool bar across the top click select, and scroll down to Refine Edge and select it.

9. Click Smart Radius, then you can adjust the edges, I only changed the smoothness, but you can play around as you like. I made the smoothness 44. When done click “OK.”
10. Cut the castle and open a new page in Photoshop and paste the castle in there. So it should look like the image below.

11. Click on the Move Tool and move the castle until there are not white edges showing at the bottom.

12. Click the white square in the bottom left corner to bring up a Color Picker (Background Color) Box and change the background color to black. Then select “OK.”

13. In the top tool bar select edit and scroll down to fill.

14. When the Fill Box opens, scoll down in the use box to select background color and then select okay.

15. The background should be filled in black and should look like the image below.

16. Now the main portion of the picture is done. It is now time to insert the lightning.
17. Go to Google and find the lightning you wish to use. I used this image…
  Save the image to you computer.
18. Open the lightning picture into a new page in Photoshop.

19. Using the Crop Tool, crop the left lightning bolt out of the picture.

20. Use the Pen Tool to outline the picture, just along the rectangle. Right click and click make selection.

21. When the Make Selection Box opens, just click “OK.”

22. Go to image in the top tool bar, scroll down to Image Rotation and then select Arbitrary.

23. The default settings should be 50 CW, I left it alone and Selected “OK.”

24. The image should rotate and the below image is what it should look like.

25. Use the Pen Tool to outline the image again and then right click and select Make Selection.

26. Click “OK.”

27. Cut the lightning bolt from this page and paste it to the page with your castle project.

28. Select the Move Tool and move the lightning bolt to the right corner.

29. Select Image, adjustments and scroll down and select Shadows/Highlights.

30. Make the Shadow 0% and select “OK.”

31. This is what the image should now look like.

32. Go to Edit, Transform, Rotate.

33. A box should appear around the lightning bolt.

34. Rotate the lightning bolt a little so that it points downward more, like the picture below.

35. When in the location you want it, select the Move Tool and then select Apply.

36. The image should now look like this.

37. Select the Move Tool and move the lightning bolt more into the corner.

38. Almost down with the lightning bolt, now we just have to match the outline and colors to the background. Use the Eyedropper Tool to select the background color and then select the Brush Tool to cover the white outline.

39. When done, double click layer 2, and a Layer Style box should appear.

40. Move the blend this layer to 6 and select “OK.”

41. The image should now look like this.

42. Lastly, its time to add the quote. I Googled quotes from the movie Beauty and the Beast. I used this website:
And I used the highlighted quote.

43. I copied the quote.

44. I created a text box on my image in Photoshop using the Horizontal Type Tool and pasted the quote into it. I changed the font color to gray so the quote would be visible and match the castle.

45. Next I changed the font to Rosewood Std.

46. Next I adjusted the writing so that concealed is not spilt by a “-.” This may involve moving other words too. It should look something like the image below,

47. Next rotate the text box to give the image a little character.

48. Finally click the Direct Selection Arrow to get out of the text box and now you have your finished product.

49. Save your image as whatever you wish.

And now you are FINISHED! While it may seem like a lot to do, the end result is well worth it. :)


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