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The Internet: The New Era

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The internet became my best friend some time during the 90′s and now in 2012 who would have thought that the web would be so far advanced and developed??? The crazy thing is that it’s not over yet!!! Web 2.0 is the new era for internet technology survivors. It allows internet users to not only browse the internet, but interact and contribute to the internet by using applications such as social media, blogging, and everyone’s favorite wikipedia.

When comparing Web 2.o to Web 1.0 , the best way to understand is to use analogies. Personal sites (Web 1.0) is to Blogging (Web 2.0) as Ofoto (Web 1.0) is to Flickr (Web 2.0). Many people think Web 2.0 is just a marketing idea, but it is far more than that. It’s interacting with the internet. Back in the 90′s there were no such thing as Google, Twitter, or WordPress, but with Web 2.0 and the growing advances of technology there is.

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