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HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! This assignment went FANTASTIC!!! I enjoyed switching the baby’s head and fitting it into the fathers head, I chose to leave the mothers face the same because I wanted to leave one parent as the actual parent and have only the dad and son switch places. The process for doing this assignment was very easy because the same exact website I used for my Jim Groom assignment I used for this one as well. As I stated before in my Jim Groom assignment, I used the website called First I uploaded the image, then used the lasso tool, and then I carefully used the lasso to outline both the structure of the father’s face and the baby’s face so that it would fit into each one’s facial structure perfectly just as if the picture was real!! Next, I pressed the edit tab, and clicked copy to where I wanted to have each face placed. After that I pasted the baby’s face on top of the fathers head, the next step was to then copy and paste the fathers head on top of the baby’s head using the lasso tool once more and pressing copy and paste again as well. This picture cracks me up every time i see it, I love the way the baby’s mouth is open with a facial expression of “surprise“.. lol.. it fits well with the theme of the picture because the entire family looks so happy! But the child seems happiest holding his father! Lol!!

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