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Was that your horse or mine? One Shot

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It was my first day on my Internship on Wall Street at WBAI (a radio station). To kill some time, I decided to walk around a bit. While I was walking around, I came across two policemen and their horses… along with the huge droppings to the side of them. I didn’t take the picture because of the droppings, I took the picture because it was WALL STREET!!! One of thee most popular places in New York City and then to see the horses with their droppings just made Wall Street seem more realistic than it really was.

This assignment from the Visual Assignment Bank is called One Shot. This assignment asked to use one single picture, crop and alternate the pictures to tell a narrative, comic book style. For this assignment I used Microsoft Power Point to crop and place the pictures in a presentation, however, when saving the file I saved it as a JPEG and not as a Microsoft Presentation. I made sure when I cropped the pictures that I had the original picture placed in the assignment as well.

I found it funny how the police officers continued with their ticket books as if there wasn’t a huge pile of horse droppings to the side of them.

This assignment is worth 3 stars and is pretty easy, you just to find the right picture.


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