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My Not-So-Daily Creates

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I have been neglecting my Daily Create Posts lately, so here I am trying to catch up on what I’ve missed. Sorry for the delay!


Saturday, March 3: Take a picture of an instrument that measures something. tdc55

My Watch: The “instrument” that I use most often.


Friday, March 2: Stump us. Record a sound of an ordinary thing and make it hard to guess. tdc54group

Tea Time: It may not sound like much, but I’m certain my roommate would know this sound anywhere. I wake her up to it every morning. Water peculator!


Monday, February 27: Take a picture of your favorite smell. tdc50

Coffee and Dryer Sheets: Best if smelled separately.


Sunday, February 26: Take a photo that depicts your favorite type of weather. tdc049

My Two Fave Things: This is me with my favorite person ever, my BFF Emma, at my favorite location ever, the beach. We both love the beach and go together as much as possible in the summer (usually a couple times a week). For us when it comes to weather, the hotter the better with clear skies is ideal. In this picture we are both sporting these ridiculous hats that we bought together at a craft store… I’m not sure why we thought this was a good idea. I can’t wait to reunite with Emma and the beach this summer!!!


Friday, February 24: Take a photo that features your favortie color. tdc47

Today’s Favorite Color: I don’t really have a favorite color, per-se, I just really like bright colors that make me feel cozy and happy. My favorite color tends to change pretty regularly; I have trouble committing to just one favorite. So today’s color is green. Lime green, more specifically. This is the inside of a shopping bag from “Piperlime.” I wish I could wall paper my entire room with it. Guess I’ll have to do some more shopping….


Wednesday, February 22: Say your name backwards. tdc45group

SsoRled Ylime

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