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How to Do it.

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Last week I spent spring break in Tampa, FL and Brunswick, GA.   It was glorious, but I didn’t always have a strong internet connection, so I’m going to write a few posts about the making of JBC mystery radio show. Photo credit to Mara Cate for the pic I cropped to use for the cover of this post, which was the “condo” that I lived in for the week.


Radio Poster

This is the poster that I created for our show.  I started by finding the picture of the brick (which I found here), and then I tiled it on PS, as it was not large enough for the canvas size that I wanted, and I didn’t want the image to get too pixelated.  I matched it up as best I could, and then I decided I wanted to add in a white hand print to the wall.  I scanned my own hand, and I experimented with the different effects.  I liked “Film Grain” (found under Filter>Artistic).   I wanted the handprint to be somewhat see through, so I made sure I was on the handprint layer, and I used the eraser tool, and I made it larger than the hand and I changed the opacity to about %75, and this allowed the brick to show through a little bit.   Next I added the text.  Figuring out a font that I felt was appropriate for the tone of our show was a little tricky.  I ended up choosing “BlairMdITC TT” because it was very clean and easy to read.  It caught my eye.  Last, I wanted to make the brick a little darker, give it some age and depth, so I used the burn tool (and making sure that I was on the brick layers) I went over different areas of the bricks to give it the effect I wanted.  And that’s how I did it.


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