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Daily Creates TDC56, 057, 40

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For TDC56, you had to do a POV a silent walk down the street or through a building. I chose my walk from the library of York College to the exit on 160th Street. I started from the escalator, through the atrium, down the hall, and through the doors.

For TDC057, you had to take a picture of a reflection to see an alternate world. I used my dad’s car to capture the telephone pole and the sky looking down into my dad’s car, as if it were a tallllll man looking down into his reflection through a pond.

For TDC40, you had to take a picture, change the color, and put the colored photo and the original side my side. I used the Adobe Photo app, and the Pic Stitch app on my iPhone. I changed the picture of my friend’s dog to make it look red.


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