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Daily Creates: TDC61, 63, 64, 65

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For TDC61, you had record a video writing your favorite line from your best movie using you best hand writing. It was hard picking my favorite movie & my favorite line. At the end I chose, Kevin Hart Laugh At My Pain, and my favorite line was “Alright, Alright, Alriiiiiiiiiight.” Movie was epic and hilarious!!!

For TDc63, you had to take a picture of a religious architecture. I found a picture of me at my church in the Bronx (Bronx Baptist Church), and behind me was the colored glass of my church that was pretty much used on every window.

For TDC64, you had to take a picture of a boundary. My boundary was my computer work station at the library. It was a cubicle separating my work station from others surrounding me. I showed the top of the cubicle and the edge of the desk.

For TDC65, you had to record a video of your work station at home. Mine is my night stand, its my everything stand, I keep all my work and tools, because its on a side of my bed where I have my room, my outlets for my laptop adapter, and it’s just a better side to work on.

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