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DS106 Radio Show with The Juice Crew

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For class, as a group we had to create a 20 minute radio segment and come up with a 30 second bumper as well. My group consisted of Danni, Tiffany, Norihide, and myself. We decided to discuss social networks, how it affect our college life, relationships, and friendships, as well as our personal testimonies with MySpace, Facebook, and Twitter.

Our bumper was the intro to Jay Z and Kanye West Watch The Throne single Primetime, Frank Ocean’s Nostalgia/Ultra interlude B!t*#s Talking, a old school radio tuner sound effect from, and The Gladiator’s sound clip “Are You Not Entertained?”. The order was 1. Primetime 2. old school radio 3. B!t*#s Talking and 4. Gladiator. the clips flow into one another because it seems like the person is listening to a song, changing the radio, talking to his girlfriend while the tracks switch, and because of all the movement the Gladiator sound clip that asks them if they are not entertained leads the listener into listening to the Juice Crew to get entertained.

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