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The Contest No One Could EVERRRRR Win

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The Contest Nobody Could Win is worth 2 stars. Using Audacity, I imported 6 tracks and clipped 1 second of each song and combined it into 1 song. Once you import the song of your choice, you copy and paste the clip of the song into a new (project). The catch is you can’t repeat the song. You do that 5 more times and you will have the contest nobody could ever win. I picked 6 random songs, from 6 random artists, from 6 random genres. After putting the clips together, when I played it back it was 6 second song with clips of 6 songs placed together.

This assignment was fun, it was hard work, but it was fun, because you’re playing mind games, and depending on what songs you use, there is a good chance people would never get the songs you chose.

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