For my final project i’m going to a fitness theme. I’m going to create a web site solely on fitness, which contains all the resources you need to stay fit. My website would not only include information on certain workouts, but also sample workouts, printable workout logs, supplement reviews and articles written my be containing the most important aspects of staying fit in general.
Since their are so many fitness sights on the web these days, to make mine different from others I’m going to include a story on how fitness has changed throughout the years. What I mean by this is how the workout equipment, physique, and supplement use has revolved throughout the years. My website will show clear distinctions on how fitness used to be about Arnold Schwarzenegger, and how it is not revolved around current day fitness celebrities such as Ronnie Coleman.
Get ready DS106, not only will you have the resources to stay fit, but you will learn the story of how fitness has evolved from before we were all born, until now.
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