Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92751 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. Colin Schulz

    My Audio Assignment: Remix Your Favorite Song

    by For this assignment, pick your favorite song and edit out a repetitive line. Upload a recording of your self saying DS106, and replace your recorded line with the line you edited out. Make this a DS106 song. I thought this would be a really cool idea because it’s both a remix and audio assignment. ...
  2. Colin Schulz

    My Audio Assignment: Remix Your Favorite Song

    by For this assignment, pick your favorite song and edit out a repetitive line. Upload a recording of your self saying DS106, and replace your recorded line with the line you edited out. Make this a DS106 song. I thought this would be a really cool idea because it’s both a remix and audio assignment. ...
  3. Colin Schulz

    My Design Assignment: Make a DS106 Street Sign

    by I chose to submit my idea for creating a DS106 street/billboard sign. The purpose of this is to market DS106. The sign shouldn’t just say DS106, but it should provide contact information, and reasons why people should take this class. I thought this would be a really good design assignment because you have to ...
  4. Colin Schulz

    My Design Assignment: Make a DS106 Street Sign

    by I chose to submit my idea for creating a DS106 street/billboard sign. The purpose of this is to market DS106. The sign shouldn’t just say DS106, but it should provide contact information, and reasons why people should take this class. I thought this would be a really good design assignment because you have to ...
  5. Colin Schulz

    Final Reflection Post

    Now that the semester has come to it’s end, I have officially finished taking the DS106 class. Throughout the year DS106 has changed the way I look at the internet. When I look back at my personal cyberinfrastructure post on Gardner Campbell’s essay, my first response is “wow, I was quite confused”. In my post I ...
  6. Colin Schulz

    Final Reflection Post

    Now that the semester has come to it’s end, I have officially finished taking the DS106 class. Throughout the year DS106 has changed the way I look at the internet. When I look back at my personal cyberinfrastructure post on Gardner Campbell’s essay, my first response is “wow, I was quite confused”. In my post I ...
  7. Colin Schulz

    My Checklist Summary Post

    The end is near, and we were given a checklist for the end of DS106. The checklist consisted of multiple things including: Scheduling a meeting with Professor Levine to look through our class portfolios. Organize our blogs so we are able to show assignments by type, our course participation, the daily creates we did throughout ...
  8. Colin Schulz

    My Checklist Summary Post

    The end is near, and we were given a checklist for the end of DS106. The checklist consisted of multiple things including: Scheduling a meeting with Professor Levine to look through our class portfolios. Organize our blogs so we are able to show assignments by type, our course participation, the daily creates we did throughout ...
  9. Colin Schulz

    Tutorial: DS106 Bumper Stickers

    This is a tutorial for the DS106 Bumper Stickers design assignment worth two stars. This assignment required you to create a bumper sticker which promotes the causes or effects of taking the DS106 class. I chose to create a dumper sticker that says “CAUTION DRIVER UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF DS106″, I chose to base my ...
  10. Colin Schulz

    Tutorial: DS106 Bumper Stickers

    This is a tutorial for the DS106 Bumper Stickers design assignment worth two stars. This assignment required you to create a bumper sticker which promotes the causes or effects of taking the DS106 class. I chose to create a dumper sticker that says “CAUTION DRIVER UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF DS106″, I chose to base my ...
  11. Colin Schulz

    My Thought on Monday’s Internet Discussion

    After our class discussion on Monday regarding how each of us are all over the internet through our facebook’s and blog’s, i’ve thought a lot about how i’m personally viewed over the internet. I think it’s scary but also great that you can find information about everyone over the internet. I think it’s great because ...
  12. Colin Schulz

    My Thought on Monday’s Internet Discussion

    After our class discussion on Monday regarding how each of us are all over the internet through our facebook’s and blog’s, i’ve thought a lot about how i’m personally viewed over the internet. I think it’s scary but also great that you can find information about everyone over the internet. I think it’s great because ...
  13. Colin Schulz

    My Final Project Post

    As a student in DS106, we were required to do a final project which is worth twenty percent of our grade. DS106 is a class based on using digital tools so that ordinary people can tell their own real-life stories. Our final project assignment was to create an assignment that incorporates tools that we have ...
  14. Colin Schulz

    My Final Project Post

    As a student in DS106, we were required to do a final project which is worth twenty percent of our grade. DS106 is a class based on using digital tools so that ordinary people can tell their own real-life stories. Our final project assignment was to create an assignment that incorporates tools that we have ...
  15. Colin Schulz

    My DS106 Commenting Participation

    Ever since the beginning of DS106, Professor Levine stated how important it was to interact with outs through our blogs. This interactions was simply by commenting on other classmates work, or just commenting on their sight in general. I made a rule for myself, which was to comment on at least three classmates blogs every ...
  16. Colin Schulz

    My DS106 Commenting Participation

    Ever since the beginning of DS106, Professor Levine stated how important it was to interact with outs through our blogs. This interactions was simply by commenting on other classmates work, or just commenting on their sight in general. I made a rule for myself, which was to comment on at least three classmates blogs every ...
  17. Colin Schulz

    My DS106 Twitter Participation

    I often used twitter through the class year. After I finished every assignment, daily create, tutorial etc. I made sure I sent out a twitter message to #ds106 so others can check out my work, and leave comments. So far I have sent out a total of 108 tweets to #ds106. I thought it was ...
  18. Colin Schulz

    My DS106 Twitter Participation

    I often used twitter through the class year. After I finished every assignment, daily create, tutorial etc. I made sure I sent out a twitter message to #ds106 so others can check out my work, and leave comments. So far I have sent out a total of 108 tweets to #ds106. I thought it was ...
  19. Colin Schulz

    Final Project As of April 23rd

    Since my final project sight is near complete, i’ve spent a lot of time going through it and doing some editing. Since the purpose of our final project is to tell a story, i’m going to incorporate some blog posts from made up people in order to make it more clear. I think having more ...
  20. Colin Schulz

    The Best of My Daily Creates

    Food Being Served ( 2/13/2012 Daily Create) For the food being served daily create I took a picture of a vending machine. I really loved this picture because the empty spots show that food is being served, also it’s not served by a person but by a machine which represents our current technology. Bird Picture ...
  21. Colin Schulz

    Tutorial: May I Take Your Order

    This is a tutorial for May I Take Your Order audio assignment. The assignment required you to using your best accent, pretend your at McDonald’s and order something off their menu. Don’t just order a cheeseburger, but be picky and order a cheeseburger with no lettuce and tomato. In order to do this assignment you had ...
  22. Colin Schulz

    Tutorial: Comic Book Effect

    This is a tutorial for the comic book effect visual assignment. For this assignment you had to take a picture of something and apply a comic book effect using photo editing software. This assignment was simple if you have access to photo editing software. For this assignment I used Gimp. Gimp is free photo editing ...
  23. Colin Schulz

    My Video Assignment: Create a DS106 Television Commercial

    by For this assignment create a DS106 television commercial. The point of the commercial is to tell people why they should take DS106. Explain what makes this class special, what you learn, and how you feel about it. Since commercials are relatively short, keep it short and to the point. My thought for this assignment ...
  24. Colin Schulz

    The End Is Near For My FInal Project

    Ok DS106, i’m glad to say my redo of my original topic is nearly complete. My sight is all laid out and all my information is incorporated into it. Since this is my second time doing this project, I learned from my mistakes the first time around and added some really cool things into my ...
  25. Colin Schulz

    My Daily Create Idea Submissions

    Submission 1: Bring on the tongue twister, record yourself saying I love DS106 ten times.  I thought this would be a really cool idea. My thought behind is was people normally create tongue twisters by picking words that when mis pronounced sound like something else. However, with this assignment we’ll hear a whole bunch of ...
  26. Colin Schulz

    We in[SPIRE] others

    After reviewing numerous DS106 students work, I narrowed down to six assignments that I thought were the best of DS106. All of these students incorporated substantial creativity, and really proved their design skills. Emo Target Remix: By Saad I chose Saads Emo Target Remix because he incorporated the emo remix effect perfectly, without taking ...
  27. Colin Schulz

    Final Project Updates

    After finishing my original idea for the final project I was really unhappy with the final outcome. I was unhappy because I didn’t really think it told a story, and it just seemed like I threw a whole bunch of things together that didn’t make sense. I brained stormed a bit and came up with ...
  28. Colin Schulz

    Final Project Updates

    Tonight in class we were asked to discuss our final project’s in groups. The point of this was to get feedback regarding our final projects. I’m currently almost done with my Fitness Now and Then sight. I have everything written our and all I have to do is type the information into my sights pages. ...

ds106 in[SPIRE]