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Can we live to comfortable in 2022?

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I watched this video. “The Visible College: Four Futures For Higher Education”

Bryan Alexander described what is going on 2022 when all of stuff which relate to the internet is more effective using and changing.

He pointed out that increased using computers and developed internet technology caused decreasing newspaper and photos even companies. In addition, people are using smartphone not cellphone which is more effective to use. They read anewspaper on their smartphone and take briliant pictures on their smartphone. That is why people use digital things not analog things. When I watched and listened his lecture, I thought everyone is relying on the internet.

In addition, he describes several different predictions on 2022 and talked about 5 methods.

1, Extrapolation

2, Environmental Scanning

3, Delphi method

4, Futures Markets

5, Scenarios

These things could be helpful in the future. However, if these prediction Alexander said really occurs, all of the people will lack something.

People who have own computers are increasing nore and more. Creater of computer technology may discover new things in the future. Even though it is now, people talk, share pictures and videos, and do assignments on online. There will be many consumers and producers on online. People who only use the internet may increase when they talk with someone. People are not going to classes, they are taking classes on online instead. When I caught up my prediction for the future, I just thought is it okay for everyone? is it helpful for us?? I’m not sure but I’m little bit scared when I imagine my future with technology.

No one knows about the future but technology keep developing right now.

I will not say about higher education is good and bad.

But I will remind of myself what is good and helpful for me if techniques more develop in the future.

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