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Kinetic Dangerfield

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I hate this assignment. Worse, I hate the finished project but considering I spent nearly 8 hours on this assignment I needed to show something for it.

I should have know when I saw that no one had completed this project that something was up, like its a pain in ass. I was fooled in the beginning into thinking that I could do this.

The Process:

First, I downloaded a Caddyshack clip from da Youtube using PwnYouTube. Next, I opened it in MPEG in order to rip the audio from the clip. Next, I listened to the clip and typed out a transcript of Rodney Dangerfield making snarly comments about the Club’s food.

Now, it gets tedious.

At first I thought I wanted to make individual images for each word in Pincik then upload them in iMovie. However, while creating the first word ‘hey,’ I realized that it would look lame and decided to change directions.

Next, I got the horrible-not-so-brilliant-idea-in-hindsight idea to use Prezi. I needed to be stopped. I never used Prezi before because I think it is a horrible tool for oral presentation and I refuse to use it. So, while I was learning to use Prezi I was also creating a framework for the transcript.

Then, after completing my ‘presentation’ I tried to use Jing to capture the presentation. One huge flaw, it also captured my mouse moving around and the quality was poor. Boo.

After spending hours trying to make Prezi work, I decided it was time to move on. So, I cheated. I was angry and frustrated and I hated the project.

I used the command->shift->4 technique to capture the images from the Prezi and uploaded them into iMovie. Next, I timed the images with audio clip until it was seamless.

So there it is. The short summery of how my ambition crashed and burned in front of my eyes. I am sure there is an on-line tool that is better suited for this, but I did not find it. Ugh.

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