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Everything’s A Remix!

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Wow, these videos blew my mind.  Everything really is a remix.  Remixing is taking something old and making it new.  I never knew there were so many songs with the same beat, or movies with the same shots/scenes.  I am going to attempt to be more aware of remixed media.

Remixing goes back as early as 1961, and maybe further, who knows?

Copy right and Patent Acts were written for the common good and to help society thrive.  Today these acts have been taken to extremes and lawsuits constantly pop up all over the place if there is even a hint of stealing/copying someones idea/invention.  Kirby says that a social revolution needs to occur so laws and society can transform. Ideas can be used to improve the way of living, after all that is what the laws were meant to do.  Ideas are meant to grow and be changed as time and technology changes.  Evolution happens by copying, transforming and combining!

Kirby said that copying is how we learn and that is so true, I take copy notes in all my classes (whether it be copying from a powerpoint or copying down what my teacher is saying) to go back and study and learn.  I know this example is not what is meant by copying in the sense of taking someones idea, but it related to me and it really is how one learns whether its mimicking actions or writing it down.

I think he brought up a good point when he posed the question what would have happened if a discovery was never made, like for example the first computer was never invented, would that have changed history.  He said that no it would most likely not change history because of the idea of multiple discovery.  Which is easily seen especially in science which people coming up with the same ideas, but someone publishing their idea quicker.  I cant tell you how many times I will be in class and hear another classmate give an idea that I was thinking out.

Seems society is continuously getting greedier and greedier.  It’s funny to me, how businesses and corporations justify their copying but are the first to take up a lawsuit if someone steals from them.  How hypocritical can you be?

Items become cheaper and cheaper when they are copied and sold as opposed to buying the original. Which really is a downfall for the inventor or discoverers.

Just a side note on the videos’ production.  They were so creative and upbeat and hip.  They were easy to follow and even easier to watch, dare I say fun to watch. And so informative.

Remixes are everywhere!

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