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Mix it up

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Here was my first mix it up from last week! I lost the page though that had the star/info stuff. It was eyeballing and Jackson Pollock together. I didn’t want to do paint drips because I thought that it would be something a lot of people would think of first. So I went with a spotty image and made it abstract. You can see the eyes if you squint. :)



This cat is emo. So emo in fact that poor Salvatore Dali was made dark.



Here is a optical illusion that is oxymoron…ic. I took the point out of the picture in this remix! See for yourself!


Optical illusion




Dr. Seuss had a unique art style. He was a children’s book writer and a political cartoonist/activist.  Here we are turning a page on an awful attempt to extra cartoonize a comic book!

alan suess



This is an assignment where I changed the original just slightly. No one has actually done this assignment so I used the sample picure and changed it up!




New switch

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