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Design Assignment: Where’s Waldo, Bosch-Style

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Wait, Where’d That Guy Come From: Photoshop someone(s) (or something(s)) into a picture that isn’t supposed to be there.

I absolutely loved Analytic D.’s version of this assignment, “Waldo in the Garden of Earthly Delights.” I decided to do my own using Bosch’s “Martyrdom of Saints Crispin and Crispinian,” and add some of the other characters from the Waldo series, like Odlaw and Woof.

Where’s Waldo? was a favorite book  of mine as a child, so it was particularly fun and nostalgic to do this version of the assignment. The hardest part was decided how small to make the characters. I didn’t want them too large, but I didn’t want them to be impossible to find, either.

See if you can find Waldo, Odlaw, Woof, Wenda, and Wizard Whitebeard! :)

"Where's Waldo, Bosch-Style"
Click on the image for the high-res version!

You can also see it here on Flickr.

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