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Plinkett Review- The Vow

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This was going to be the smash hit of Valentine’s Day… Yeah right. I hated this movie. The actors in it Rachel McAdams and Channing tatum I am big fans of, but whoever wrote the script of this movie should really jump off a roof. Frankly the fact that they decided to end the movie in the manner they did annoyed me to no end.

The movie I am speaking of is none other than The Vow.

Since the movie came out this year YouTube does not have specific scenes as of yet so what you will watch or have already watched is the trailer. Anyway in the trailer lies my first problem with this bloody film. It is beyond unrealistic. NO MAN! and I repeat NO MAN! would put up with the crap that Rachel McAdams character put him through. In case no one told you chivalry is dead because men have figured out that in this world there are enough women out there that you don’t have to be hooked on just one.

The idea of fighting for your wife is very admirable, but in the film she acted like a completely different person after the accident. Not like the woman he married. That would have made me give up and tried to find a new woman especially since they had no kids together.

I admired his resilience and yet was upset by it at the same. Your guess at explaining that is as good as mine. What really pissed me off is the end. He finally decides to move on and they don’t see each other for a while… about seven months I believe and out of nowhere they see each other they decide to go eat and the movie ends.


They leave you to assume that they are going to begin dating once again and maybe even eventually get married again, but it’s like come on if I paid for the movie ticket I don’t want to forshadow what will happen I want you to show me. Then they have the nerve to show after the movie that the people the movie is based on got married and had children. SOOOOOOOO DUMB!!!!!

Ds106 assignment Plinkett Review worth 3 stars

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