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My Checklist Summary Post

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The end is near, and we were given a checklist for the end of DS106. The checklist consisted of multiple things including:

  1. Scheduling a meeting with Professor Levine to look through our class portfolios.
  2. Organize our blogs so we are able to show assignments by type, our course participation, the daily creates we did throughout the year, the required tutorials written, the required assignment submissions, and our best of our course work. Our best of our course work consists of the top five assignments that we thought represented our best work and what we learned throughout the year in DS106.
  3. Archive our blogs so we are able to find our work in case we need it later on.
  4. A final project post which explains our final projects that we completed. This post should be detailed enough so somebody who isn’t in the course knows what we did, and what the point of the final project was.
  5. A final reflection post which explains what we have learned in DS106, why or why not we’ll recommend this class to others, and how this course changed our opinion about storytelling.
  6. Last but not least, a final checklist post summarizing that we have completed each required step towards the end of DS106.

How I Completed This Checklist

I Scheduled a meeting with Professor Levine using tungle. We have both agreed to meet on Tuesday May 1st, from 10:00 – 10:30 AM in order to go over  my class portfolio.I have fully organized my blog.

I organized my blog my tagging each post to it’s corresponding category. I created separate categories for my design, video, audio, visual, and remix assignments. This allowed me to sort out all of my assignments so I can easily show them during my meeting with professor. I also created separate categories for my daily creates, tutorials, daily create idea submissions, assignment submission, the final posts required for the course, LBD radio, and my class participation. My class participation category includes posts about how I participated in DS106. This includes examples of my comments on other classmates work, my twitter posts to #ds106, questions that i’ve posted to others, my reflection posts following class discussions, my inspire posts, my daily create submissions, and assignment submissions.

I archived my blog by creating a UMW blog account, and posting my UMW blog url on the official DS106 sight. I plan on migrating my sight to Hippie Hosting, I had a blast creating and managing my own website, and I plan on continuing on doing so until by domain runs out in January.

My three posts regarding my reflection on DS106, my final project, and the checklist can all be found under the category final posts.



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