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Checklist check in

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Alright, so I’ve begun doing all this compiling crap and getting this blog ready for the end of the semester. So far I’ve used tungle to try and set up a meeting with Alan, but I haven’t heard back yet so I’ll be sending a follow up email tonight to make sure I can get in and get everything graded. I already have many categories to organize my blog, I’ll be adding a greatest hits category to show off my best work. I’ll be putting a copy of my blog on the umwblog space. I’d like to keep my blog though, use it to show off that I can blog for future jobs and overhaul it and make it a blog dedicated more to my interests. As much as I enjoyed the creative process I really hated this class at points. I’m kind of a perfectionist and ended up wasting soooo much time looking for the perfect remix, mashup, image or whatever to match the image that was in my head. The final project post will be going up soon as well as the final reflection post.

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