Alrighty time for dat final reflection. First off I still don’t fully understand what a cyber infustructure is nor can I spell it successfully without using spell check and I’m not sure if I’ll every truly be able to say with confidence what a cyber infustructure is. Even after going through all of this work and living online pretty much all year I’m still as confused as I am when I came in.
Storytelling is the same for me now as it was when I came in however. For me a story is any way to communicate an idea or a feeling to other people using images, text or sound. A story doesn’t need to be complex to be a story and some of the best stories can be something as simple as a man hugging his dog on the street. It’s not a deep story, it’s not a complex story, some people wouldn’t even count it as a story because it’s lacking words but I think it’s a story. This blog in a way is a story as well. It tells about my journey through the class of ds106, what I learned and even what I was feeling on certain days.
What I learned the most form this class was probably about how to host a blog and using sites like flickr, youtube and twitter. I still hate twitter though, it’s not really for me. I don’t feel the need to update a status constantly or follow people and see their status updates daily, I find it mundane. Well I think that’s the word, it’s close enough and I’ll stick to it. I also learned how to use GIMP to edit some photos and I’ve had a lot of fun screwing around using it.
As far as my best work in this course, I’d have to say my Wild West audio story was probably my favorite project of the year. It meshed together very well and was extremely rewarding to listen to again and again and again. it can be found here. I also really liked the Hey Wait where did that guy come from design assignment. That was the assignment where I photoshopped Gollum into the Republican Nomination debate. Other fun assignments were the drive redone movie poster and the piano cat duel mash up that I did
For future students of the class I would def say keep your assignments simple and don’t get caught up in the details of creating the prefect project. Also think ahead to the mash up projects because those are the hardest projects to complete in my opinion. Those and the remixes I found to be hard to complete.
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