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Final Reflection… DS106 Months

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Like the saying goes… all good things must come to an end.

Who ever thought that CT 101 would have turned out the way it did???

I came into the class not knowing what to expect, I didn’t know what I was going to be doing for the next few months, but I took it all in.

In the beginning of the class, out main requirement for the class was TO GET OUR WEBSITES UP & RUNNING!!! Our websites were going to be our homework, classwork, tests, and projects, but all the assignments we chose were up to us. The only rules we had to follow were:  put in the correct tags and do the required number of stars. I must say having that much freedom was stressful… choosing your assignments from the assignment bank, deciding on what tool you will use…. with all the options in the world you didn’t know where to begin…

It was stressful, because there were no right or wrong assignment, you didn’t know what the professor was looking for… it was a world of don’t knows. The good thing was the freedom… the freedom to be creative, the freedom to choose, and the freedom to have fun with the assignments. This class was pretty much a the choices are all yours, which made it fun, because you had an idea of the thinking process your classmate went through to produce their piece, why they chose that assignment, and stuff like that.

My favorite assignments were the photography and the video assignments. I love taking pictures and that made it easier for me to jump into the assignments. With the help of my Graphic Design Class I learned and mastered Photo Shop and Illustrator… My favorite assignment was the FAT CAT assignment… Taking classical art and adding a random fat cat was cool, exciting, but fun. One of my favorite Daily Create assignments was Taking a Picture emphasizing the Color Yellow… I learned that they’re more things in this world yellow other than taxi cabs and bananas…

Digital Storytelling… means something completely different… A lot of people say “well this hobby or job isn’t made for everyone,” well digital storytelling is. Anyone can do it!!! Being creative isn’t the trick, it’s all about being you and doing what you think and believe is fun… Everyone can master that… One thing I learned about CT 101 is what the class is about… cause I had no idea back in January.

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Gardner Campbell made too many points to remember, in some odd way they made sense…

During the lecture he showed clips of a Brazilian Facelift… very very very interesting by the way… and he said something to the effect that newspapers are producing digital facelifts… they are taking something they did and adding a hyperlink or in other words fixing, beautifying, updating, or advancing what they had already produce… to mimic another person’s work or idea…

To me Campbell was saying screw Digital Facelift and make it your own… become your own IT, your own design, and etc. Jim Groom also made a point saying its not about going against the IT department, but helping them think out of the box… No More Digital Facelift… Think Outside of the Box…

Open Educational Experiences… A teacher should be open with the student and the student should be open with their peers… We all learn from each other and CT 101 provides that learning experience where it’s okay to learn from your peers and it’s okay for the teacher to learn from his/her students.

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