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Do The Right Thing… Video Essay

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This video assignment expands on my video analysis on THE GREATEST MOVIE EVERRRRRR!!!!!


In this video assignment I break down the movie… I show the major scenes that define the movie… what the scenes mean, and what the scenes mean to me…

I show the love hate scene that appears in the beginning of the movie, because that defines the whole movie… the love hate between Sal and Pookie and the extreme hate through out the movie…

I also discuss the scene with the stereotype name calling between Jews, Blacks, Italians, and Koreans. This scene also serves as a foundation of the movie and the plot behind it.

I show the last two epic scenes… Radio Raheem’s death and Pookie getting fed up and taking action… Both of these scenes show how stereotypes and racism can get out of hand and get dangerous… The last two scenes does not only define the movie, but make the movie a classic

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